Business News Aug11

Just a quick update today click on any titles to go to the program itself.


Finally Tagvillage has released the Tagvillage Bazaar which was recently called TSP or The Secret Platform or Top Secret Platform. It is only half released with tags being able o be bid on. Within the next 1-2 weeks items like ipads, ipods, and basically products from apple, ike, sony and amazon will be added to items. That will bring a new resurgence to Tagvillage with an expected increase in memberships joining for that alone.

So far the Bazaar has had mixed success with tags and people are just getting used to how it works. I will add more on that later.



While still growing strongly I think a lot of people are missing the point here. They are expecting it to grow for them without effort. Just a little effort on their part would give them profit straight away. Already close to 1 million dollars has been paid out in commissions and it has not hit a peak yet. There has been a few times when there was problems accessing the website but I think that is all sorted now. Still a good time to join.


I think the best part of this business is the tools you get access to. In all honesty I have not had the time to go through them yet but I certainly want to make use of them soon. There have been over 2000 paid members since this launced with a lot more that have yet to upgrade. Check it out



New data centers, more local meetings, new recognition, more compensation. WowWe is going from strenght to strength. This is a business that can really pay you well. Stories of people signing up a dozen people in a day is not uncommon. Think about it that is $300 in commission straight away for fast start bonuses, not to mention the ongoing commisssions. The website has been improved and they hope to have a new landing page by the start of next month. This will help to improve conversions and signups. If you haven’t already joined this click the title above and get involved.


Well that is it for today. I’m time limited but hope to add more very soon. I also have plans of adding a page about each opportunity. Obviously this will take time but will be worth it.

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