Tagvillage – Founders Profit Pool Promotion

Tagvillage are giving away future profits in what could be one of the best deals ever available. Many people do not realize how good this offer is. People chasing opportunities that they can make quick money are ignoring Tagvillage as it is a longer term program. What many of them find is that they also lose money chasing those opportunities. Tagvillage is a bit more involved and the big rewards have yet to start. This promotion makes it easy for people to be able to get a share of company profits.

For full details of the Tagvillage Profit Pool Promotion Click HERE

Here’s a summary.

As you know, one of the purposes of tagvillage is to pour out financial blessings upon our members. We strive to bless our members and the causes they support. The majority of members have already earned much more than they invested over the past 18 months. Even still, we want to make it better. After all, if it were not for the founding members of tagvillage, we would not be this close to reaching our major advertising platform milestones. We are very close now.

From July 1st 2012 through July 31st 2012:

1. For every $10 worth of Credits you purchase before all the seats are filled, tagvillage will GIVE you one 1st Level Seat in the pool.
2. For every 1st Level Seat you are given you can earn one 2nd Level Bonus Seat by purchasing 20.00 Credits worth of Tags during the same calendar month, before the earnings period begins.
3. For every 2nd Level Bonus Seat you earn, you can earn one 3rd Level Bonus Seat by purchasing 100.00 Credits worth of Tags during the same calendar month, before the earnings period begins.

It is really that simple. Hurry and get your seats! This is a first-come first-served opportunity. We will stop giving out seats when the limits are reached. If there are seats remaining after July 31st, the minimum Credits requirements and Tag purchase requirements will increase each calendar month until all 1st Level Seats are filled.

There is a limited number of seats available in each position in this Profit Sharing Pool. We will stop awarding seats to members when the maximum number of available seats is reached in each level. There are a maximum of 5,000 seats available in the first level. There are a maximum of 5,000 seats available in the 2nd bonus level. There are a maximum of 2,500 seats available in the 3rd bonus level.

Rocket Profits

Profit Pool Monthly Distribution
Upon the 1st day of the month following a month in which a deposit was made into the Profit Pool, tagvillage will divide the sum of the deposit into 3 separate pools, called the 1st Level Pool, the 2nd Level Pool, and the 3rd Level Pool.

  • The 1st Level Pool shall be equal to 25% of the sum deposited into the entire Profit Pool.
  • The 2nd Level Pool shall be 50% of the sum deposited into the entire Profit Pool.
  • The 3rd Level Pool shall be 25% of the sum deposited into the entire Profit Pool.
  • The 1st Level Pool will be divided by the total number of 1st Level Seats occupied by members in the Profit Pool to determine the per-seat value of the 1st Level Pool.
  • The 2nd Level Pool will be divided by the total number of 2nd Level Bonus Seats occupied by members in the Profit Pool to determine the per-seat value of the 2nd Level Pool.
  • The 3rd Level Pool will be divided by the total number of 3rd Level Bonus Seats occupied by members in the Profit Pool to determine the per-seat value of the 3rd Level Pool.

Once the per-seat value is determined for each pool, tagvillage will then distribute these values to the owners of each seat, respectively, and will deposit the value into their account in the form of Credits.

This is something you should not miss out on.


Join Tagvillage HERE

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