Tagvillage Tag Guru Results

The contest is over and I’m happy to say I finished 4th. The contest was a great way for people to increase their tag portfolio and earn some prize money. If you are not already involved I suggest you join, click on the banner on the page and register. This is a nice bonus leading up to the  big money that will arrive with the advertising widget. Here are the results;


Final Tag Guru Contest Results

Jan. 5, 2012

The official contest results are in! Your personal winnings are listed above and on the left hand column of every page. We will display the balance of your prize until it is paid in full. The first payment will be paid on February 20th, 2012.

Nikolaus Kirchler (dinoo)
Guru Prize: 143,297.79 Credits

1. Nikolaus Kirchler (dinoo)
Apprentice Stars: 1 | Journeyman Stars: 4 | Master Stars: 226
Prize: 143,297.79 Credits

2. Elizabeth Laguardia (slider)
Apprentice Stars: 1 | Journeyman Stars: 1 | Master Stars: 107
Prize: 30,916.81 Credits

3. Yana Svara (kaimanayana)
Apprentice Stars: 1 | Journeyman Stars: 3 | Master Stars: 89
Prize: 29,533.83 Credits

4. David Newman (denewman)
Apprentice Stars: 1 | Journeyman Stars: 1 | Master Stars: 64
Prize: 26,659.38 Credits

5. Roger Bice (Valuegreen)
Apprentice Stars: 1 | Journeyman Stars: 1 | Master Stars: 44
Prize: 24,679.19 Credits

Apprentice Star: 123.15 Credits
Journeyman Star: 199.60 Credits
Master Star: 99.01 Credits

Congratulations to our Chosen Ones and the official 2012 Tag Guru! You guys deserve it! You worked very hard to accomplish this amazing feat! We pray that every member had a lot of fun and truly enjoyed the Tag Guru Contest. Stay tuned, there is an even better contest with more incredible prizes planned for the near future!

The fun is just beginning
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2 Responses to “Tagvillage Tag Guru Results”

  1. Ty Anderson says:

    David, if you can get back to me with your AUTO X Link you can sign me up under you. Your link is not working. In the mean time I will be looking feverishly for a sponsor. I never realy on others it will be horrific for you if you can’t get back to me.
    Always make sure your links work.

    Ty Anderson 1-509-988-0540
    Myriad Force

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