BitBillions is the Real Thing

When GBBG Bitbillions began there was a lot of questions that sprung up. Mainly due to the secretive nature it portrayed. There were skeptics saying it would disappear within a month. Others were saying there would never be anything more than the site itself, no development would be made. This did not help with promotion and growth was slow.

The original goal was to have 50,000 founder members in the first few months, that didn’t happen. Persistance and some special offers later ensued before Founder positions were closed off to further purchase. So with 3285 Founder members you can no longer get one…unless you buy a position from someone that has one already. This is something that will be possible in future as BitBillions plans to make a marketpace for members to be able to sell their positions if they so choose.


While all this was happening there was talk about upcoming revenue producing projects. Roll the clock forward a couple of months to where we are now. Bitbillions has now released the Dream Car Project. This is a site where participants can win a car. There is several levels members can be involved at ranging from free to $9 a month. The various levels allow members a greater chance to earn entries. The significance of now having a revenue producing project should not be underestimated. Although at this stage there is not a huge following, it is a start and gives credibility to the whole concept.

Now with things starting to move, those that got involved early need to get motivated to promote. The site has proven it is for real but now needs the growth to fulfill its potential. GBBG Bitbillions has now released co-founder positions for $30 each. These positions will entitle their owners to share in revenue for the 2nd pool of 10% of company revenue in addition to the main revenue share. The first 10% is for Founders only who also share in all other pools.

The matrix is going to be released once the co-founder positions are filled. Right now at time of writing there is 6685 co-founder positions to fill. This is a key figure, once it is fulfilled there will not be any more made available…ever.

Why would you bother getting a co-founder position? Is it a risk? Will it be worthwhile? These are questions people are asking and here are the answers as I see them.

The co-founder positions will give you exclusive revenue share additional to what free GBBG members will get. Over time this could end up becoming substantial. Because you will not be able to get more positions in the future you only have this one opportunity to get them. This will mean that with success the positions will become quite valuable.

Co-Founder positions will be placed before free positions into the matrix. This means more revenue from the matrix commissions.

What is the downside? Well it costs $30…It is a one time cost so really that is not much of a downside for something that may be worth a whole lot more in the future.


Is it worth it…simple answer YES.

Get your co-founder position while you can

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2 Responses to “BitBillions is the Real Thing”

  1. prabhat says:

    1. how much earning is possible for co founder one who will make their max 3000 points each month from all present project id ?

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