NOTICE: We have noticed an issue with our reporting server for the Items Bazaar. We do not want to close the Items Bazaar, so we have decided to simply remove the reporting pages for now. We will be working to fix this and place these pages back online soon. For now, here is what to expect:
1. You WILL be paid 5% referral commissions but will not have a page to see them
2. You WILL be paid 1% Tagvertising commissions but will not have a page to see them
Essentially, you will see your Total Credits Balance increase when you earn referrals commissions and Tagvertising commissions. However, there will NOT be a report for you to see what you were paid for. We will fix this report and it will be on the site for your records as soon as possible. Please accept our apologies.
The first sale made in the Item Bazaar was a new Kindle won by a woman named Wendy. To say she was excited is an understatement, here is what she had to say about it in a skype group.
Can’t believe I just won the very first Auction on TAGVILLAGE BAZAAR.
Brand NEW Kindle for .10
My sponsor Maxine showed me how to buy bids etc and helped me through the whole process…. Thankyou so much for all your help. During the timer, the battery on my mouse went flat and I was saying not nice things while I was changing the battery. I really thought I had missed out on the chance to win. Once I fixed my mouse, I looked up at the screen and saw this great big message saying that I had WON. I was saying OMG OMG and sitting there shaking with excitement. I called out to my husband and he came running in thinking that there was something wrong (I have been unwell for 4 years).
Good luck to everyone for future Auctions… This is going to be BIG. I can now see why Maxine has been so excited about Tagvillage.
This is just the start. Some people might think this is just another penny auction setup. Well maybe this part is which is fine but there is some big differences. For one as you can see above you can earn commissions from referrals that win items. It also is fairer than other penny auctions. It is also the only one that you can be anywhere in the world and have an item sent free shipping to them.
So what other sorts of items can you expect to be able to get. Here is just a sample
As you can see there is some pretty cool stuff available. It will not all be available at the same time and there will probably be other items available as well. Click any of the pictures to go directly to the item bazaar. Get a free membership to Tagvillage from there and check it all out.
Just after I posted this I found out that they have added an EBay and a Amazon $50 giftcard. This was requested in the leadership group but it may have been going to happen anyway. The advantage of these are they will go faster through the Bazaar.
Great stuff on auction, but have you seen what I think could be your biggest rival among all the penny auction sites? BidCandy the “best penny auction site on the Net” which has roughly the same product line-up as you. Better watch out because some friends are switching over as I type.
This looks like an advertisement for bidcandy and also a canned one. People will not be switching over from Tagvillage because the Bazaar is just one small part of Tagvillage unlike bidcandy which is just an auction site.
In fact it looks like 90% of other auction sites which is understandable because they use the same script to operate. If you want to know what I mean have a look at This Penny Auction Site
Now a couple of quick facts. Bidcandy Alexa ranking is around 600,000. That means it is far from being the best auction site. It means it is relatively unknown actually. To give a comparison the link to the other PA site has a ranking of 8788. That is how popular it is. So Bidcandy has a long way to go.
The other thing that the Bazaar is better than any other auction site is that it has controls on the amount of bids that are used to win. In effect it costs less, the company makes less profit but it is better for members.
There is big changes to the Bazaar. Tagvillage is very charity minded and has come to believe that the products that were being promoted were benefiting the big companies more than anyone else. As that conflicts with the core values of Tagvillage they have decided to change the wayh they are doing things. THe auctions will be more charity focused. Already there is donations linked to the auctions now. More changes are coming.