There is a new program out that could change the way we do everything online. Sounds like hype? Maybe it does but this is real life and the beauty of this is that most of the technology is already there, all it needs is something to pull it all together.
BitBillions is a top secret new revenue share organization that is poised the cause the largest redistribution of wealth the world has ever seen!
There are a VERY LIMITED number of Founder positions that will share in the largest benefits of the company.
You can learn about the opportunity and join using this link: BitBillions Link
GBBG (aka BitBillions) is an official non-corporation. They are pioneering a highly disruptive cloud-based, peer-to-peer technological platform that is poised to revolutionize the entire global economy. This will virtually eliminate the need for the entire global banking system as well as the products distributed by many Fortune 500 companies. Their systems provide a completely anonymous open-source, cloud-based, peer-to-peer global technology.
The GBBG blueprints project a seamless acquisition of 75% to 80% of the entire global internet and communication traffic by 2020. These figures also parlay into a 75%-80% advertising revenue procuration by GBBG.
What would stop you from adopting a new technology… that allows you to
- Connect and surf the internet from any device for FREE
- Make unlimited phone calls to any telephone in the world for FREE
- Shop, manage your finances, and ‘bank’ your money for FREE (no bank fees ever again)
- Use the most current/stable operating system on earth and access all your programs and files FREE (never spend money on an operating system again, such as Windows or iOS)
How Do YOU Earn From This?
Wealth Redistribution Integration
You Make MONEY
$23,344.01 per month, per $1 Million Revenue generated by GBBG
As a decentralized organization without corporate headquarters or shareholders, GBBG is free of any overhead or tangible ‘operations’ to consider. The GBBG network is designed to automatically redistribute generated revenues with every single member of the organization.
The compensation plan can be viewed clicking here:
BitBillions Compensation Page
Every minute of member usage for one of the free services such as browser, chat, international calling, etc. earns a member one point. Each month, 50% of all revenues generated will be divided by the total number of awarded points, resulting in a point value which is then distributed to the membership.
In addition each member is awarded a 7% bonus on the earnings of each person in their matrix through 7 levels. The income potential is staggering as many members will earn tremendous incomes WITHOUT COST, just by using completely free services.
The compensation plan has three parts
1. Referral Commission
2. Monthly Revenue Sharing
3. Monthly Matrix Commissions
Monthly Revenue Sharing
50% of GBBG monthly revenue will be shared with members using the following pool tiers;
10% – First 5000 positions<
5% – 5001-25000<
5% – 25001-50000
5% – 50001-100000
5% – 100001-250000
20% – 250001+
For example if you get a position in the first 5000 positions you will qualify for all 6 pools (see chart below).
So you can imagine how much more that could be worth to you.
Monthly Matrix Commissions
In addition to the Monthly Revenue Pool Sharing, we pay you a bonus of 7% of the earnings of each person below you in the matrix, down 7 levels! The earlier you join, the more monthly revenue pools you will share. Also, the more members will be below you in the matrix. The more members that are below you in the matrix, the bigger your 7% bonus will be each month.
If interested in becoming a FOUNDER of this exciting opportunity:
Learn more and join here: BitBillions Link
This is looking really good but some people have trouble getting started so I will soon make another page detailing the full process.
Thank you for sharing BitBillion`s Revolutionary Income Opportunity!
I became Founder one day and already next day start receiving Payments – Amazing!
For 10 years, an organization known only as GBBG has been quietly developing technology poised to revolutionize the Internet and mobile communication. This organization is an autonomous group of programmers and web developers working toward one common goal: to create a system so disruptive it completely changes the entire Internet. GBBG is on the verge of releasing it’s core product.